Chapter One: KIRITSUBO
The Paulowina Tree
In ancient Chinese legend, the Empress Tree was considered an omen of good fortune because of its association with the Phoenix, a mythical bird that regenerated itself in fire (this interesting association might come from the tree's trait of being able to regrow from it roots after being burned or cut down). Apparently the Phoenix would only alight in the most choice Empress Tree in the land, and only when a benevolent ruler was in power. It would only land on Paulownia Trees… bringing prosperity and wisdom to those who were near. For this reason, Empress Trees were a favorite tree to plant, just in case a Phoenix happened to come to town.

Paulownia trees are believed to bring good fortune to the household and all who enter.
A healthy Paulownia Tree can live for 80 to 100 years.
Traditionally, when Japanese couples have a daughter, they plant a Paulownia tree. When the daughter is ready to marry, they cut down the tree and make a dowry chest, furniture and other items out of it for wedding gifts.
After harvesting, a new Paulownia tree grows back from the stump and uses the same well-established root system.The roots grow very deep into the ground.
Paulownia trees is one of the fastest growing trees in the world 8-10 yrsit can grow to be about 40cm in chest diameter.

Interesting that the title of the 1st chapter is Kiritsubo
Kiri:Paulownia tsubo: a small garden between palace buildings.
1.This gives one the sense of how Genji's mother came between the Emperor and consort.
2. It could be seen to foreshadow how Genji's seems to get into (cherry blossoms chapter 8) or how he is in love with the Emperors new wife Fujisubo and gets her pregnant or how his son with Aoi looks like the heir apparent or how Rokujo keeps getting in between Genji and his relationships with other women because of her jealousy.
3. A new Paulownia tree grows back from the stump and uses the same well-established root system... This tree could also represent how Fujisubo and Muaski look so much like Genji's mother
4.Far fetched but the tree is also called the Empress tree... could represent how the emperor fell in love with Genji's mother.
5.The tree's trait of being able to regrow from it roots after being burned or cut down.... Even though the consort and everyone's jealousy killed Genji's mother, Genji was born and everyone loves him.
6. The colour of the flowers on the tree.....pale violet purple colour stands for close relationship and lasting passion which the Emperor has for Genji's mother and which Genji has for Fujisubo.
At 4:38 PM,
ann ogawa said…
thank you for the info! but a lot of parts I cannot read since it is just symbols...is anyone else having this problem or just me?
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