Genji's Flowers

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Chapter 6: Suetsumuhana
The Safflower

Traditionally, the crop was grown for its flowers, used for colouring and flavouring foods and making dyes. Usually yellow or orange in color, although some varieties h
ave red or white flowers.

Safflower is an annual species in the same plant family as sunflower.

Safflower is one of humanity's oldest crops, but generally it has been grown on small plots

Oil has been produced commercially and for export for about 50 years, first as an oil source for the paint industry, now for its edible oil for cooking, margarine and salad oil. Over 60 countries grow safflower. (


Diaphoretic, diuretic.

Taken hot, safflower tea produces strong perspiration and has thus been used for colds and related ailments. It has also been used at times for its soothing effect in cases of hysteria, such as that associated with chlorosis.

Powdered seeds made into a poultice used to ally inflammation of the womb after child birth.

Flowers of this herb are useful for jaundice.


In relation to Genji:

1. His real name is Suetsmuhana yet her name Safflower comes from a poem by Genji.

2. She's a princess- daughter of His Highness of Hitachi- A prince who had held the title of Governor of Hitachi. Genji thought her rank would make her “flaunt no modish charms and exhibit a distinguished manner” (120) yet she is painfully shy, old fashioned and "inexperienced".

3. Apparently Safflowers yields a scarlet dye which is a colour that turns up throughout the novel.

4. Suestsmuhana is introduced to Genji by Taifu, the daughter of Nurse Saemon, Genji's favourite nurse. Taifu says of Suestsmuhana " I know little about her charater or looks. She is so shy and reticent... Her one real friend seems to be her kin" (114).

Facts about the Kin:
The Japanese Koto originated from China at B.C. 2000, known as Kin. The Kin measured 7 feet 2 inches (about one foot longer than modern instruments), and had only five strings. In the Chew Dynasty, 150 years later, a sixth string was added, and later, a seventh. The early Kin remained a seven-stringed instrument for a long period of time.

The Koto is six feet long, 10 inches wide, Paulownia wood instrument with 13 strings of equal size and tension. The Koto is made of two pieces: a flat bottom and curved upper piece. Today synthetic fiber such as tetron are used for strings, traditionally they used silk strings.

Interesting that it is made from Paulownia tree!

5. Genji and To no Chujo both try to woo her. At first both were ignored by her. "Who by now can doubt that very few rebuffed him or received him with indifference? Those who remained willfully cool simply failed, in the prim and proper heartlessness of their ways, to know their place..." (113). Genji presses Taifu about her and they plot to introduce him to her.

6. "The scene had it's charm, its pthos, and a strange appeal, but he felt cheated when she remained so inaccessible and so unresponsive that he had no pleasure from her at all" (123).

7. The way her looks are described, she seems not too attratctive. She was very long in the back and had a long lofty nose which drooped at the end, with a blush of red at the tip "a real horror" (124) She had a wide forehead and was really pale" slightly bluish"


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