Genji's Flowers

Sunday, March 26, 2006

Chapter 27: The Cressets (Kagaribi)

Chapter 27: The Cressets (Kagaribi)
In this chapter Genji is still intrigued by Tamakazura while she still does not like him but slowly she “began to little by little to respond” (482). Kagaribi means “cresset” a fire held in an iron cage and used to light outside (479). This chapter is titled “cresset” because of the exchange between Genji and Tamakazura and an involvement with a servant coming in to light the cresset. The servant brought in “branches of a spindle tree that grew beside the deliciously refreshing brook” (482). The spindle tree is also called “Mayumi no ki” which is a “deciduous tree that bears small blue-green flowers and reddens nicely in autumn” (482). After the servants lights the cresset Genji is able to see Tamakazura better and he does not want to leave. The spindle tree suggests the change in season from summer to fall. Despite the changing seasons Tamakazura is still beautiful in Genji’s eyes. The spindle tree that changes colour through time also could suggest Tamakazura’s slow acceptance of Genji. Her countenance was once blue-green and then gradually through time she has reddened in acceptance of Genji.


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