Genji's Flowers

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Chapter 15: Yomogiu - A waste of weeds
Suestsumuhana- Safflower Continued
Weeds surrounding Safflower's ruined house:

Humulus or Hops
*Originally used for their preservative value, the hops were only later noted to impart a flavor to beer.
*Reported to be anaphrodisiac, anodyne, antiseptic, diuretic, hypnotic, nervine, sedative, soporific, stomachic, sudorific, tonic, and vermifuge, hops is a folk remedy for boils, bruises, calculus, cancer, cramps, cough, cystitis, debility, delirium, diarrhea, dyspepsia, fever, fits, hysteria, inflammation, insomnia, jaundice, nerves, neuralgia, rheumatism, and worms
*Use of hops as a sedative, drinking hop tea several times a day to alleviate nervousness. (

Yomogi or Mugwort:

*A close relative of wormwort, is a hardy plant, usually growing to about 3 ft. in height, with stout stems somewhat purple in color.
*Believed to enhance dreams if placed under one’s pillow.
*In the Asian tradition, it was used in concoctions to treat rheumatism. Later in European history, it was used to ease the symptoms of epilepsy and palsy. Also been used as a uterine stimulant, treatment of constipation, depression, anxiety, and vomiting. (

Weeping Willow:

*Weeping Willow is commonly planted in burial grounds both in China and in Turkey
*The greenish-yellow flowers that appear in May never produce seed in this species
*Practically a purely ornamental tree.
*The Weeping Willow belongs to the group known as Crack Willows, from the brittleness of their twigs at the joints.
*One will ususally find this tree near water. If the water supply is scarce,
the roots of this tree will stretch as long as they have to to find it.

*Japanese wisteria grows to a height of 25 feet or more and has violet-blue, fragrant flowers that bloom as the foliage is also expanding.
*Individual flowers open gradually from the base of the cluster to the tip.
*Flowers are pea-like and may be white, pink, lilac-blue, bluish-purple or purple in color. The fruit is a long, green flattened pod that is not particularly ornamental.

In Relation to Genji:

1.The start of this chapter starts off with a reflection metaphor(western sorry- no other way to explain it clearly): "Genji appeared from no where to see loyally to her needs; and although to him in his grandeur such attentions were no more than the least he could do, she whose sleeves were really too narrow to receive them, had felt as thoughall the stars above now shoone up from her water basin" (302).
2.Reading this chapter, I came to notice how it mirrored the Falling Flowers chapter. Genji is on his way to the village of falling flowers when he spots a weeping willow and recognizes the grove of Suestsumuhana's home. Again he catches the scent of orange blossoms which stirs his memory. Same way he forgot the woman at falling flowers,before the orange scent reminded him, the same way he seemingly forgot Suestsumuhana. Genji even compares her to the lady of falling flowers(311).
3. It also seemed to mirror the situation between Cho Cho San and Pickerton. "Surely you do not expect him to come calling on youjust because here in this hopeless wilderness you are chastely trusting him to do that." (306) Suestsumuhana is wanting for Genji to come back for many years fully believing that he will come back to her. Just like Cho Cho San, except Genj actually does come back to Suestsumuhana and saves her from ruin.
Suestsumuhana a hidden flower amongst the weeds.
5. "If the water supply is scarce for the willow tree,
the roots of this tree will stretch as long as they have to to find it. This seems to mirroe Suestsumuhana. She seems to reach out to Genji, her water, her life line.
"the willow is practically a purely ornamental tree" as Suestsumuhana becomes ornamental when he brings her to his house." It was rare for [Genji] to actually call on her there, but she was so close that he looked in on her whenever he came her way at all..."(312)
Sei ja ku- Suestsumuhana silence- she lives like a hermit rarely talking to anyone. No one stops by to see her. She is really shy and hardly speaks even to Genji. She's lonely- everyone starts to leave her and she reflects on the past alot
8. "Believed to enhance dreams if placed under one’s pillow". Hops vines seem to engulf Suestsumuhana's home. Others think she is dreaming that Genji will come for her. She dreams that Genji will come bacck. Memories can be compared to dreams.
9. (Use of hops as a sedative, mugwort to treat depression and anxiety) Suestsumuhana seems sedated. She should use the mugwort to treat her depression and anxiety of others!
Weeping Willow is commonly planted in burial grounds) When Genji doesn't return the household mourns him.

"It is better to have loved and lost
Then to have never loved at all"


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